Wednesday, April 25, 2007


So, Julie tagged me with a meme - I think this is grossly unfair - I still have no clue what I am doing in the blogging world. This is like someone who is playing tag outside - running inside downstairs to the family room and tagging a crippled person who is minding their own business writing a paper for school who may have looked out the window once at someone playing tag and briefly thought "Oh, that looks like fun".

Oh, well, it achieved its purpose - it is forcing me to write another blog.

I am supposed to list 5 things I am obsessed with.
So, since I have never been one to do the normal, expected thing - I must rebel. You would think that if you are truly obsessed with something that it would merit more than a mere mention in a list of 5 - it would be worthy of its own blog entry or ten. So instead, I now present for your enjoyment...

5 things I wish I were obsessed with:

1. Paying my bills the minute they arrive in my little green mailbox.
I should want to send off my neat, tidy envelopes full of my hard-earned money right away - instead of letting them pile up on the counter and find dark corners to hide themselves in so that I have to go hunting for them when I suddenly realize that if I don’t pay my utility bill by 5:00 that day - I will pay a late fee or I will be cooking my next meal over a bonfire built in my tub. (Hey, at least I can use the paper from the bill as tinder.) I mean, it’s not like I am going to magically find an extra $100 sometime in the next 3 weeks that will make it any easier to pay the bills. I have no rich relatives that are going to die unexpectedly and leave me everything as their favorite living relative. (Darn! sometimes big families with siblings who are way more likeable than I am are a disadvantage.)

2. Reading the scriptures every day without fail.
I must admit that I have had this obsession off and on in my life - that feeling that the day is just not complete - something vital is missing if I haven’t read and thought about at least a few verses before I tuck myself into bed. I have let myself slide - justification is so easy when you are exhausted and have just crawled into bed and you realize your scriptures are still downstairs in your church bag and the cat is already snuggled up asleep across your legs...
The more you miss - the easier it is to miss the next time and soon - it doesn’t even cross your mind as a necessary part of the nighttime routine. Yeesh! - I need to work on this one.

3. Writing in my journal.
This is something I have always envied about Julie - she has shelves of old journals. I have these fabulous journals that span decades - with an entry or two each year - usually on New Year’s and my Birthday. Then I have several journals that only cover 6 month blocks of time with entries every day. I go back and read thoughts and experiences I had totally forgotten about. I ache for the lost moments and life lessons I have squandered - for lack of writing them down. No wonder I keep making the same dumb choices and mistakes in my life.

I apparently have a memory like a etch-a-sketch; one little shake of the head and I have to start all over. Since I am blond – you see the problem?

4. Eating healthy foods and Exercising:
Again - something I have been obsessed with off and on. Judging by my current waistline - much more off than on with this one.

And for the last little un-obsession, I don’t know how to narrow it down. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to take this tangent off in this particular direction. So many things I want to acquire an OCD with: cleaning my house, sending thank you notes, doing laundry, cleaning my house, getting the oil changed in my car, being more positive, planting a garden, cleaning my house, weeding the garden, getting papers graded right away, keeping a budget, etc. (Did I mention cleaning my house?) So to simplify -

5. Being practically perfect in every way. % :)


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I know why you're blogging, it's so you can meet fabulous people like me, and entertain them with your own fabulousness.

I enjoyed your first posts so much I put you on my bloglines feed reader so I'd know if you ever posted again. Glad I're a hoot! And not just funny in wacky sort of way, but in a hey, you have a brain and are using it way.

Or something like that.

Klutzmom said...

Wahoo! I'm glad Julie memed you. I love your post. It struck several chords. I need to find out how you put a blog on a bloglines feed reader like Kimberly so I don't have to suffer great pangs of disappointment when I check your blog and find you haven't posted for "ahem"... several days.

Keep writing.

Julie Q. said...

Sorry it took me a week to realize you posted this. Obviously I've been neglecting a few of my obsessions lately. I love what you did with the meme - I can totally relate with wishing I were more OCD in some areas.

Funny that you'd mention my journals because it's true that I filled hundreds of pages in Junior High and High School, but for some reason, when I got married, I stopped writing for a few years. And like you said, I ache for those lost memories. One of my hopes for heaven is that not only will I be restored to "every hair on my head" but every lost memory as well. What fun that will be!

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